
Hugo Hørlych Karlsen

(b. 1948) is a Danish writer of fiction and of specialized and scientific literature.

He has a MA in Scandinavian Language and Literature and is qualified in Classical Chinese Medicine. He is also a publisher, of NordØsten  NordOsten Books.

The main themes in his fiction, scientific literature and translations are:

– Daoism (Taoism) and Classical Chinese Medicine.

Translations of for example 道德經 (Daode jing), 黃帝內經 (Huang Di Nei Jing), 難經 (Nan Jing), 詩經 (Shi jing). Several books about the Chinese classics, among others an introduction to Rhonda Chang’s books about 醫 (yi) and medicine, culture and politics in China before and now. 

– Children's play, life and learning in history and in modern society.

– Children and youth and the formation of an identity.

– The experiences of children exposed to violence and war.

– The land of Palestine, its history and current situation.

– Why Christianity became the leading religion in the West, and how it is rooted in the sun cult, in Sol Invictus?

– Maritime life and culture of the sailors in the south-western part of Denmark, Fanø, in the 15th and 16th centuries.

- Work in progress: Maria Montessori. Her life and work.

Some of his publications have been translated into Norwegian, Swedish and English. These two ebooks by Hugo Hørlych Karlsen have been published in English:

The Palestinian Boy Who Would Die.

Jamil Abu-Kabir

Biography and History

NordØsten  NordOsten Books


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The Red Rose of Palestine. Laila Atshan

Biography and History

NordØsten NordOsten Books


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